Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Mayor Bloomberg: Please Offer A Buy-out Plan to City Employees

April 20, 2009

Mayor Bloomberg
City Hall
New York, NY 10007

Dear Mayor Blooomberg:

I am writing to state that these challenging times require you to offer a buy-out plan to city employees, similar to the plan you began studying late last year.

Similar plans have been proposed in Memphis, and Lynchburg, Virginia.

The economic tailspin has forced all of us to make difficult decisions as we face a multi-billion dollar deficit. Recently, you instructed a number of agencies to further reduce their operating expenses amidst plans for layoffs, attrition and consolidation.

To achieve further savings and to avert any further involuntary reductions, I strongly urge you to announce a voluntary reduction plan by offering a buy-out plan to city employees. This voluntary separation would be subject to the approval of each respective agency head to control the departure and mass exodus of essential staff.

It is my understanding that a number of civil service employees have expressed interest in accepting such a buy-out offer. As Council Member and Finance Chair, David Weprin has stated, buy-outs are a “win-win.”

During these austere times, it is critically important that we consider all viable options to assure the long term financial health of our great city. I thank you for your consideration.

Letitia James

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