MONDAY, August 31, 2009
6PM- 9PM
Jewish Children's Museum
792 Eastern Parkway (at the corner of Kingston Avenue)
Brooklyn, N.Y. 11213
TUESDAY, September 1, 2009
6PM- 9PM
Flatbush-Tompkins Congregational Church
424 East 19th Street (corner of Dorchester Road)
Brooklyn, NY 11226
For more information you may call (718) 287-1142 or (718) 287-0493 to RSVP.
SPONSOR: United States Representative Yvette Clarke, 11 CD
"THE BUCK STOPS HERE"- A Public Policy Forum at the School of Public Affairs at Baruch College and the Citizens Budget Commission with the Democratic Primary Candidates for New York City Comptroller--
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
5:30PM- 7PM
Baruch College
Newman Conference Center
151 East 25th Street, 7th Floor
New York, N.Y. 10010
Time For Lunch "Eat-In" at Prospect Height's P.S. 9
Monday, September 7, 2009
12PM- 3PM
80 Underhill Avenue (between Bergen & St. Marks Ave.)
Brooklyn, NY 11238
Join P.S. 9 families and others in the community for a potluck in the P.S. 9 schoolyard, part of Slow Food USA's "Time For Lunch: National Day of Action" to get real food in schools. There will be kids activities, speakers, and great conversation. NYS Senator Eric Adams and NYC Council Member Letitia James will be on-hand. Participants are encouraged to bring a dish to share. Please try and bring a dish that:
- Is nutritious and uses 'whole' foods (not processed foods)
- Costs less than $20 to make
- Is delicious to kids
Don't forget to bring your own plates, cups, utensils and non-alcoholic beverages, too!
For more please visit here for more information.
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