Wednesday, February 24, 2010

It's That Time Again- Take the NYC School Survey TODAY!

The NYC School Survey helps school leaders understand what key members of the school community say about the learning environment at each school. The information captured by the survey is designed to support a dialogue among all members of the school community about how to make the school a better place to learn.

Every year, all teachers, all parents, and students in grades 6 - 12 take the NYC School Survey. In 2009, the survey ranked among the largest surveys of any kind ever conducted nationally: 849,664 surveys out of a possible 1,451,750 were submitted.

The survey results provide insight into a school’s learning environment and a measure of diversification that goes beyond test scores on the Progress Report. The survey questions assess the community’s opinions on academic expectations, communication, engagement, and safety and respect. School leaders can use survey results to better understand their own school’s strengths and areas for targeted improvement.

Survey results are reported publicly through Survey Reports, a written document that summarizes survey results by question and category, and Survey Quest, an online tool that provides easy-to-read graphs that compare the school’s responses to the city’s responses.

A school’s NYC School Survey results count for 10% of the Progress Report. To learn more about how the NYC School Survey is scored for general education schools, click here.

Parents or guardians, for more information or to request a survey contact 311.

Survey Coordinators, for more information contact

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